January 5 2017 football
January 5 2017 football

I'll let you explain this to yourself." I knew he would say the best words for him, since if there were better words for him to say he'd remember and then he'd say it. You're going to give my body to yourself and then both of you are going to stay in here for about ten minutes while I explain what's going on to the confused audience. It was five minutes before the time travel machine was supposed to be activated. I saw myself being carried by the employee, now with helmet off, nine years, eleven months, and three days before I actually experienced the event. Actually, I didn't make the link at all, it was made for me.

january 5 2017 football

At first, when it was just next week's lottery numbers and equations for a theory of everything, I didn't make the link to my time-travel incident. But a week or so later, I started remembering things that hadn't happened yet. The next morning I woke up, assuming it was a dream because I had read similar science fiction stories and I knew that a loop like that would violate both the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Your brain could be damaged by the teleportation." I assumed he was joking and took it off.

january 5 2017 football

He placed the helmet on my head, and then said "Don't take it off. When he removed the helmet I could tell that the face was mine as well.

january 5 2017 football

I was in bed, trying and failing to get to sleep, when a man wearing a metallic helmet suddenly appeared from thin air in my room, carrying a human with a body that looked exactly like mine, and a head covered with a similar helmet. So let me reference an event that happened exactly 10 years ago. Of course, since I was unconscious during my journey, I couldn't have possibly known that I would be brought to this point, here, today, simply from the fact that I was transported to 2017. In ten minutes, an employee of mine will appear in this room with a version of myself from ten years prior, knocked unconscious from the shock of time travel. Today feels like the last day of my life, even though I have no evidence that it actually is.

January 5 2017 football